Tonsilotren A 40 tbl
• Atropinum sulfuricum D5
• Hepar sulfuris D3
• Kalium bichromicum D4
• Mercurius bijodatus D8
• Silicea D2
Probably, there is no man in the world, who has never had a sore throat. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils. It may be acute or chronic. Tonsillitis is called chronic, when it recurs two or more times a year. This disease is not harmless, because it may cause immunity decrease, liability to frequent cold-related diseases, possibility of the development of dangerous complications, such as: heart, joints and kidneys diseases. So can we help our tonsils?
Tonsilotren®* ― is a German natural medication, which has been helping tonsils in acute and chronic tonsillitis for more than 75 years. It reduces inflammation, swelling and pain, restores the tonsils' barrier function, reduces the volume of hypertrophied (enlarged) tonsils, promotes tonsils lacunae sanitation (purification) from the caseous detritus (plugs), relieves swelling and inflammation of the lymph glands, promotes the normalization of body immunity, accelerates healing of damaged tissues and prevents recurring tonsillitis.
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