Appendicitis (appendicitis) is an acute inflammation of the appendix. It usually starts with pain around the navel, which eventually moves to the right side of the abdomen.
Celiac disease is a chronic disease of the small intestine which means that you cannot tolerate gluten. Celiac disease is often referred to as gluten allergy, although this is not the correct medical term for the disease.
Constipation in children can be very painful for the child, and as a parent you can become very distressed. However, there is a lot of good advice and tips that can be tried.
Acute diarrhea means that the stool suddenly becomes looser and comes more frequently than normal. With diarrhea, a lot of fluid disappears quickly, and it is important to replace the fluid loss to prevent drying out (dehydration).
It is not unusual to feel nauseous, and nausea is something that everyone experiences from time to time. Nausea is unpleasant, but normally not dangerous.