In-Spe Ekokandi
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Petrovac (Agrimoniae herba)
Thyme (Thymus serpullum)
Nettle leaf (Urticae folium)
Rosehip (Rose canina)
Plantago leaf (Plantago folium)
How to use:
– Pour 1 level tablespoon of tea with 0.5 l of boiling water, let it stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink during the day.
It can be used:
to strengthen immunity,
for viral and bacterial infections,
for vaginal douching for bacterial and fungal infections,
for various strains of Candida fungus
for persistent cough,
to strengthen the upper respiratory tract
In-Spe Ekokandi
Šifra proizvoda: 83061
€ 5,50Cijena