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Clean, brush and rinse - arrange the teeth in the correct order
Good dental routines not only give you a shiny and beautiful smile, it also helps against oral diseases and bad breath. Therefore, start your braces with cleaning, continue with brushing and finish with rinsing.
A tooth has five surfaces, and the toothbrush only cleans three of them. Therefore, floss morning and night to remove food residues and plaque that remain between the teeth. Pull the thread down between the teeth, and then a couple of millimeters down into the gums. Make small movements with the floss to clean first one side of the tooth, then the other. If you have large spaces between your teeth, a space brush can be a good solution. PS! Remember to have toothpicks readily available after each meal.
Many people rinse their teeth with water after brushing their teeth. At the same time, they wash away the fluoride protection that the toothpaste provides. If you rinse your mouth with mouthwash that contains fluoride, you preserve the fluoride protection. Fluoride supplements are particularly important for those who suffer from a lot of cavities in their teeth and/or have dry mouth. If you suffer from bad breath, mouthwash containing zinc can be a good alternative. Feel free to ask us at the pharmacy if you are unsure about which products suit you best.
Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste morning and night. Spend plenty of time on each tooth and create a routine that ensures you remember to brush all surfaces. A good brushing should last about 2 minutes. Use a soft toothbrush, and don't be too harsh. Instead, use longer if you feel that your teeth are not getting clean. The toothbrush should be replaced when the bristles start to crack, at least four times a year.
Sources: Norwegian Dental Association, Jordan,