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Allergy and vaccination

Allergies are very common among the population. Vaccination is an alternative for allergy sufferers who cannot overcome their problems with traditional treatment.

Allergy and children

Pollen allergy is one of the most common forms of allergy in children, and is often treated with allergy medicines to reduce the allergic symptoms.

Allergy antihistamines

Antihistamines are allergy medicines that reduce allergy symptoms such as itching, irritated and runny nose and eyes.

Allergy reaction

Allergy is one of our biggest public diseases. An allergic reaction is a condition caused by hypersensitivity to substances from the external environment. In many cases, allergies are a hereditary condition.

Allergy relief

It is a good idea to take the allergy medicines a bit preventively, and start taking them before the pollen season starts in full.

Allergy test

An allergy test is a test that is carried out to investigate whether a person suffers from allergies and what kind of allergy it is.

Animal allergy

Allergy to animals occurs in approximately 10% of the population. Most animals can cause allergies.

Cross Allergy

Many people who are allergic to pollen can also react to certain foods. This is because the allergens in food are similar to those in pollen. As many as 70% of all birch pollen allergy sufferers experience cross-allergy.

Food allergy and food intolerance

Food allergy and food intolerance can be difficult to distinguish, and they are easily confused.

Itchy throat allergy

An itchy throat can be bothersome and uncomfortable. Allergy is often the underlying cause of an itchy throat. Read more and get our best tips for an itchy throat here.

Milk allergy

Milk allergy affects 2-5% of all children, and is caused by the body's immune system overreacting to milk proteins or milk peptides (parts of milk proteins). Every time the body ingests milk, the overreaction (allergic reaction) is triggered.

Milk allergy in children

Milk allergy is an allergic reaction to one or more of the proteins in cow's milk. A more correct name for milk allergy is therefore cow's milk protein allergy.

Mite allergy

Mite allergy is a type of respiratory allergy that can cause symptoms such as stuffy and runny nose, rash and eczema. The mite is typically found in bedding.

Mold allergy

Mold allergy can be difficult to distinguish from other allergies. Molds are various species of fungi that occur naturally on, among other things, twigs, soil and leaves.

Pollen allergy

Pollen allergy (hay fever) is a common form of allergy, and causes symptoms such as itching, sneezing and runny eyes and nose.

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