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Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. In Alzheimer's disease, the nerve cells in the brain are destroyed and the first symptom is usually memory loss. Alzheimer's disease is most common in the elderly over the age of 65, and the incidence increases with age.
What is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease is a chronic and often gradually worsening disease that leads to the loss of mental functions such as memory, and eventually the ability to perform practical tasks. The disease is named after the German doctor Alois Alzheimer who described the disease for the first time in 1907.
The cause of Alzheimer's disease is believed to be due to a combination of several conditions. Old age is an important risk factor for developing dementia. People who have close relatives with Alzheimer's disease also have an increased risk of being affected. Other risk factors include high blood pressure and diabetes.
What happens in the brain in Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease in which the connection between the brain cells is destroyed. The damage begins in the area around the temporal lobe and eventually spreads to larger parts of the brain. So-called senile plaques (protein deposits) form between the nerve cells in the brain, which are toxic to the brain cells. Inside the brain cells, the threads that hold the cell structure together will begin to unravel so that tangles are formed. The brain cells are damaged and die. In addition, it is known that the amount of the signal substance acetylcholine, which is necessary to establish contact between the brain cells, is reduced.
Symptoms and disease development
Alzheimer's disease is an insidious disease that develops gradually and can be difficult to detect at first. In the first phase of the disease, symptoms such as memory disturbances (loss of new memories), difficulties in learning new things and finding the right words and personality changes with mood swings often occur. For many, the first symptoms are just that you behave a bit strangely and that you have problems remembering the names of people you know well.
As the disease progresses, the language problems become more pronounced and the ability to remember deteriorates. Disorientation can occur, and one can get lost in familiar places. In the last phase of the disease, you will have problems carrying out everyday tasks, and you will need supervision and help.
Practical advice for you with dementia
Keep order and let things have fixed places
Provide familiar surroundings and keep familiar furniture and pictures in the home
Ensure fixed routines and regularity
Please keep a diary and/or timetable
Keep the calendar and clock easily visible
Please keep a notepad by the phone
There is no treatment that can cure the disease, but some may benefit from medication that can alleviate some symptoms.
Here you can order your prescription medicines from us.
When should you contact a doctor?
If Alzheimer's disease is suspected, whether it concerns yourself or a relative, based on behavioral and personality changes or increasingly prominent forgetfulness
Sources: National competence center for senile dementia, Norwegian electronic medical handbook, Institute of Public Health, Health Library, Norwegian drug handbook for healthcare personnel, Novartis,