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Cytofem control a20


CYTOFEM control is an innovative combination of active components that show a potentiating effect in solving insulin resistance IR and polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS. CYTOFEM control increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors in the body, reduces increased insulin and glycemic values ​​and regulates IR insulin resistance. It establishes a normal menstrual cycle, improves the maturation of egg cells, which makes a positive contribution to pregnancy, increasing fertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Reduces flabbiness, acne and alopecia caused by increased levels of male sex hormones in IR and PCOS. Due to the direct effect on the level of glucose in the blood, it reduces the need for sweets, snacking and leads to a decrease in body weight and BMI. Improves mood, strengthens self-confidence and energy



Cytofem control a20

SKU: 5475
€ 17,50Pris

  • 8607000389023

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