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Fitovag VAGINAL SUPPOSITORIES with medicinal herb extract


Cosmetic with special purpose for women’s intimate hygiene

Vaginal suppositories with oily extracts of St John’s wort, camomile, sage, yarrow and fresh carrot root

Packaging and composition: 10 vaginal suppositories with oily extracts of St John’s wort, camomile, sage, yarrow and fresh carrot root (1:4) with added vitamins A, D and E.

Other ingredients: Cera alba, Witepsol H15.

Instructions for storage and use: Vaginal suppositories are made of easily soluble mass as a base, with the addition of oil extract and as such are subject to deformation. Improper transport, especially in summer, or shelf storage in pharmacies and warehouses at an inappropriate temperature can lead to melting and deformation and make them difficult or impossible to extract from the cartridge. In this case the manufacturer is not responsible for their condition.

Store at temperatures up to 12°C in a refrigerator.

To remove the vaginal suppository undamaged from the cartridge, consult the drawing in the instructions.

Hold one half of the sheet on top of the sleeve with one hand and take off the other half of the sleeve with the other until it opens and remove the suppository. Never open both halves at the same time, because the suppository will tear, especially if it was not cold.


SKU: 120031
  • 8606006650229

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