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Gynkgobil Capsules


Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains numerous active compounds (flavonoid heterosides, gincolides and bilobalides) that improve blood fluidity and microcirculation. This increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which is of particular importance in the elderly, whose capacity for their utilization is reduced. This is why this extract has an extremely beneficial effect on the memory process, the ability to reason and the power of concentration. The active principles of ginkgo extract stimulate circulation, they are recommended for peripheral circulation disorders that are accompanied by a feeling of coldness in the hands and feet, pains and cramps in the legs, especially while walking. Ginkgo extract has anti-ischemic, anti-edematous, anti-aggregation, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so this extract exhibits a pronounced neuroprotective and cardioprotective effect.

Gynkgobil Capsules

SKU: 130006
  • Pharmanova

  • 8606004139962

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