When entering the water, it prevents water from entering the nose. It does not hurt the nose because of the soft silicone on the tip. It is compatible with all nasal structures. It can be used by both adults and children.
Beim Eintauchen ins Wasser verhindert es, dass Wasser in die Nase gelangt. Dank des weichen Silikons an der Spitze verlett es die Nase nicht. Es ist mit allen Nasenformen compatible. Es kann sowohl von Erwachsenen als auch von Kindern verwendet werden.
When entering the water, it prevents water from entering the nose. It does not hurt the nose thanks to the soft silicone on the tip. It is compatible with all nasal structures. Both adults and children can use it.
Når du går i vannet, præder det at vann kommer inn i nesen. Det görer ikke vondt i nesen på grunn av den myke silikonen på tuppen. Det er compatibilt med alle nesestrukturer. Det kan peruses av both verske og barn.
When entering the water, it prevents the water from falling into the nose. It does not cause discomfort thanks to the soft silicone on the tips. Подходит для всех типов nos. Подходит как для взрослых, так и для детей.