HEALTH AID lifestyle range tablets digeston max 30
Digestive enzymes are absolutely crucial for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients that are necessary to maintain our health and preserve life*.
HealthAid Digeston® MAX is a unique blend of many purely vegan Digestive Enzymes including Amylase, Protease and
Lipase required for proper digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats*. Digeston® MAX contains Papain and Bromelain (natural Pineapple and Papaya fruit extracts)
that are well known for their anti-inflammatory, enzymatic and digestive properties*. The formula is also fortified with a superior blend of
7 Billion acid-resistant Probiotic Strain of Lactobacillus to help replenish the body’s good bacteria, improve digestion and gut health,
and support immune system function*.
HEALTH AID lifestyle range tablets digeston max 30