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Ticks and tick repellent for dogs and cats

Ticks and tick repellent for dogs and cats
A tick (forest tick) is a small mite that sucks blood from both humans and animals, and when the tick is active it often sits on a blade of grass and waits for a suitable mammal to pass by. Our dogs and cats often travel outside paths, and are therefore favorite victims of tick bites.
Tick bites in dogs and cats
Most tick bites are harmless, and very few tick bites result in disease, but both dogs and cats bitten by ticks can become infected with tick-borne disease. In rare cases, they can also transmit viral and bacterial diseases to humans. The sooner a tick that has bitten into the animal is removed, the lower the risk of infection being transmitted from the tick. Therefore, check your animal for ticks daily if it travels in areas with ticks. With specially adapted tick tweezers, you remove ticks quickly and easily.
Dogs and cats can get tick-borne diseases
Lyme disease, caused by infection with the Borrelia bacteria.
Encephalitis, caused by a flavivirus (TBE virus).
Anaplasmosis, caused by infection with the anaplasma bacterium.
Tick agent for dogs and cats
There are various preventive tick products for dogs and cats that stay in tick areas. Even when using tick repellent, it's a good idea to check your animal often, then there's a good chance you'll spot the tick even before it gets attached.
For dogs, certain preventive tick products can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy (unfortunately, we do not have any in our range at the moment). For cats, permission from a veterinarian must be available for all types of preventive tick products.
Preventive tick products for dogs
There are different variants of preventive tick treatment for dogs:
Collar, works after 1 week, and gives effect for 5-8 months (depends on product). Should not be used for puppies younger than 7 weeks.
Agent that is applied to the fur, fully effective after 2-3 days, and gives effect for approx. 4 weeks. Should not be used for puppies younger than 2-8 weeks (depends on product).
Chewable tablet, immediate effect. The effect lasts for 8-12 weeks, depending on the type of raft.