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Diabetes and travel

Diabetes and travel
Diabetes is no obstacle if you want to travel. But it requires some preparation, especially when traveling abroad.
Preparations before the trip
Bring enough insulin, other medicines and equipment for measuring blood sugar for the trip, and feel free to calculate a little more than you normally need. Bring an extra blood glucose meter if you have room in your luggage. Don't forget batteries.
Remember travel insurance and the European health insurance card when traveling in Europe.
Talk to your doctor if you need vaccines. Also discuss how to behave if you get diarrhoea, vomiting, fever or other ailments. Inform those you are traveling with that you have diabetes and what they should do if you become unwell.
Storage of insulin
When traveling by air, you should always have the insulin in your hand luggage, as insulin can be destroyed by extreme temperatures. Insulin keeps for over a month at normal room temperature, so it is not essential to store insulin in a refrigerator for shorter trips. You can protect insulin from both heat and cold by using a thermal bag. It is important to protect insulin from direct sunlight.
Blood sugar measurement when travelling
It is a good idea to measure your blood sugar more often when traveling and on holidays. Holiday life is often a little different from normal everyday life. Changes in activity level, travel to other time zones, sleeping habits and new foods can affect your blood sugar and lead to a changed need for insulin.
For most people, the risk of feeling will increase when travelling. Therefore, bring dextrose, gulkagon spray or sugary food.
Remember list for the trip
Insulin and other medications. Remember to bring extra!
Blood sugar meter and spare battery
Test strips, lancets
Anti-diarrheal medicine
Glucagon may be appropriate if you have experienced strong feelings or insulin shock in the past
Cooling bag for storing insulin
SOS capsule or identification card
Travel insurance/European health insurance card
Good footwear - be careful walking barefoot
The Diabetes Association, Accu-Check and Norwegian health informatics.