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Impotence, also called erectile failure and erectile dysfunction, is a condition where the man is unable to get an erection, or maintain an erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse. Impotence can come from many different reasons, both psychological and physical. For many men, erectile dysfunction leads to poor self-esteem and problems in partner relationships. The incidence of erectile problems increases with age.
What is impotence?
Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction/impotence) is the inability to obtain or maintain erection of the penis. Symptoms should occur in at least 25% of situations where an erection is desired before it is defined as a medical problem.
Some people find that they don't get an erection at all, while others get an erection, but it doesn't last long enough to complete intercourse. It may also be that the penis does not become stiff enough to carry out intercourse. There are several different treatment methods you can try for erectile problems.
Causes of erectile problems
There are many different causes of erectile dysfunction:
Mental conditions: Mental or emotional conditions are the most common cause of erectile dysfunction. This can be stress, depression, performance anxiety, problems in the relationship or previous negative sexual experiences. Nervousness and performance anxiety are very common in young boys.
Diseases: Diseases that affect blood vessels can cause changes in the pelvis and penile arteries. The sponge bodies do not receive enough blood, and erectile problems can occur. Diseases that affect the nervous system can also cause erection problems as a result of vessel and nerve damage. Examples of this are diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke and multiple sclerosis.
Medicines: Certain medicines can cause erectile difficulties as a side effect, such as antidepressants (medicines for depression), antipsychotics (medicines for psychosis), antiepileptics (medicines for epilepsy) and blood pressure-lowering medicines in the form of beta-blockers or thiazides.
Injuries: Injuries to the back and pelvis or major operations can cause erectile difficulties
Hormone balance: With age, the hormone production of testosterone decreases. This can affect the erection, but the most frequent symptom of reduced testosterone levels is primarily reduced sex drive.
Risk factors
Factors that increase the risk of erectile dysfunction are:
Smoking and snuff: Nicotine leads to contractions of blood vessels.
High alcohol consumption: Alcohol abuse changes liver metabolism so that more estrogen is made.
Low activity level
Occurrence of impotence
The incidence of impotence is frequent and increases with increasing age. Among 40-50-year-olds, 5-10% have erection problems, while for those over 65, it is approximately 20-25%. About 30-50% of men with diabetes experience erectile problems.
Preventive advice against erectile problems
Have a varied and healthy diet
Regular exercise can improve sexual desire and ability
Weight loss when overweight
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
Avoid smoking
If the cause of erectile dysfunction is psychological, talk therapy can be useful.