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Rheumatism is a collective term for more than 200 different diseases. Rheumatic diseases are musculoskeletal diseases, but can also affect the skin, lungs, mucous membranes and other organs.
What is rheumatism?
Rheumatism is a collective term for several diagnoses. Most rheumatic diseases are chronic. The complaints vary, but common to many are pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for the prognosis.
Rheumatism can be treated with various medicines. It is important that the medicines are used so that they provide the best possible effect on the disease. Any side effects can be prevented or mitigated by using the medicines correctly. Some medicines can change their effect if they are used together with other medicines.
Dietary supplements for rheumatism
Supplementation of omega-3 has been shown in some studies to have a beneficial effect for rheumatic patients, taken as an addition to medication. The effect of adequate doses of omega-3 can be less pain and reduced stiffness. People with rheumatism in general, and especially those who use medication with cortisone, are more susceptible than others to developing osteoporosis. It is therefore particularly important that all rheumatic patients get enough calcium and vitamin D to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Norwegian Rheumatic Association