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Sensitive and allergic skin
Sensitive and allergic skin
Sensitive and allergic skin can easily react to substances applied to the skin. This of course also applies to make-up. Learn more about the ingredients you should avoid and see our allergy-friendly ranges.
Sensitive and sensitized skin
Most of us have experienced periods of sensitive skin. If these signs are almost constant, you most likely have a sensitive skin type. You are born with a sensitive skin type.
If the signs of sensitive skin come and go at certain times of the year or in different situations, you probably have sensitive skin. This is a skin condition you can develop, but not a skin type you are born with.
These are typical signs of sensitive skin:
The skin is irritated and red.
The capillaries, the smallest blood vessels, are visible through the skin
Red skin around the nose and cheeks.
Both sensitive and sensitized skin have the same symptoms, but unlike a sensitive skin type that has persistent symptoms, a sensitized skin will only have the symptoms in certain situations.
Situations where the skin can become sensitized are:
A product you have applied to your skin that you react to.
Excessive sunbathing.
Diet. Strong foods can cause the skin to react and become red, hot and irritated.
Unfavorable lifestyle. Both alcohol and smoking can make the skin irritated and red.
The winter season with dry and warm indoor air and cold outdoor air with wind.
Medicines and hormonal changes can result in sensitized skin.
The skin can also become more sensitive if it is very dry. Dry skin often feels tight, fragile, rough and stiff. This can be exacerbated by using the wrong products.
All skin types can be sensitized. Many people think that sensitive skin is synonymous with dry skin. But oily, normal and combination skin can also become sensitive.
Allergic skin
When the body has an excessive reaction to something that for most people is harmless, we call it an allergy. Sensitive skin is more prone to allergic reactions to skin care products and make-up.
Allergic reactions in the skin can appear as:
Swelling of the skin.
If you experience any of this, you should stop using the products you react to. The skin and eyes are very sensitive to allergens and infections, and therefore you should make extra high demands on products you apply to the skin. You can also have skin diseases, such as atopic eczema and rosacea, which mean that you have to be careful about which products you use.
At LenaPharm you will find both skin care ranges and make-up which have been made especially for sensitive and allergic skin. If you have congenitally sensitive skin, you should also use skin care and make-up for sensitive skin. If you develop sensitive skin, you should put away your usual skin care and make-up for a period of time and replace it with products for sensitive skin. Using products that are not suitable for sensitive and allergic skin can make the skin red and irritated, causing rashes and itching.
What ingredients should one look for in make-up?
If your skin is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions to make-up, there are some ingredients you should avoid. Check the ingredient list and drop products that contain substances you know you react to or common allergens.
Ingredients that should be avoided in make-up for sensitive skin:
Nickel. Contact allergies from products, such as itching and rashes, usually occur around 48 hours after applying the product. A common cause of such allergic reactions from make-up is nickel.
Organic and natural make-up products are not necessarily the best choice for sensitive skin, as they may contain essential oils and fragrances that cause reactions. Therefore, always be careful to check the ingredients and that the product is allergy-friendly.
If you have atopic eczema, the skin barrier is weakened, which means that ingredients can cause stronger reactions than they would on healthy skin. Allergens and irritants come in more easily. Then it is extra important to use mild products to minimize the risk of irritation and burning.
Also remember to change your make-up regularly - old make-up may have grown bacteria or gone rancid. Make-up brushes must also be washed regularly, here a lot of dirt can collect and increase the risk of allergic reactions or rashes.