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Allergy relief

Can I do something myself to prevent the pollen allergy from breaking out?
It is a good idea to take the allergy medicines a bit preventively, and start taking them before the pollen season starts in full. In this way, they will work more effectively and prevent the symptoms from appearing. In addition, you can try to limit contact with the source of the allergy.
Check the pollen forecast every day, and limit outdoor activities on days with a lot of pollen.
Keep the windows closed. When airing the house, this should be done in the evening.
Sleep with the windows closed, or put up pollen nets. These are nets that are so finely meshed that the pollen grains do not penetrate through them.
Wash your hands and face when you come in after you have been outside. If you also wash or rinse your hair in the evening before going to bed, you will avoid dragging a lot of pollen into bed with you.
Rinsing the nose with saline spray or saline in nasal rinses is of great benefit to many. Then you get to wash out the pollen that is irritating the mucous membranes.
Wash clothes and bedding often, and avoid drying your laundry outdoors.
Pay close attention to hygiene in general. The house should also be washed more often than usual.
Be smart about changing the pollen filter in the car.
Is there any way to relieve allergy symptoms without taking medication?
If you have only started to react, medication is needed to completely get rid of the symptoms. But again, nasal irrigation can be helpful. Bent particularly recommends rinsing with a nasal horn:
- Nasal rinse horn is very effective because you get a powerful rinse of the nasal cavity. When you rinse the mucous membranes clean, you will not only get rid of the pollen you react to, it will also make the nasal spray against allergies work more effectively, because it will not have to penetrate a lot of mucus. This is also good for colds and sinus infections.