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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a serious disease that affects the nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. MS affects approximately twice as many women as men. In the vast majority of people who get MS, symptoms start in their 30s.
What is Multiple Sclerosis?
In MS, the body's immune system attacks specific parts of the nervous system in the brain and spinal cord. As a rule, MS does not affect how long you live, but the disease can in the worst case lead to total invalidity.
What happens in the body in Multiple Sclerosis?
The nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord communicate via nerve impulses (electrical signals). Nerve impulses are conducted along nerve fibers insulated with a substance called myelin. In MS, the immune system attacks myelin in the brain and spinal cord. Without insulation, the nerve impulses are conducted far too poorly and thus the nerve cells are unable to communicate properly with each other or with the rest of the body.
Causes of Multiple Sclerosis
The reason why some people develop MS is unknown, but is thought to be a combination of heredity and environment. Infections, climate and diet can have an impact on the development of MS, especially for those who are genetically predisposed to getting the disease.
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Which symptoms are most prominent depends on which areas of the brain and spinal cord are affected, and how great the destruction of myelin is. The most common symptoms of MS are:
Fatigue and dizziness
Balance disorders
Bladder and bowel problems (urine leakage, overactive bladder, loose stomach and constipation)
Double vision, impaired vision or blindness
Numbness/tingling in parts of the body
Depression or anxiety
Slurred speech
Sexual problems
Different forms of Multiple Sclerosis
Most people with MS have a so-called relapsing course. This means that you have periods of acute deterioration followed by good periods. 20% of those with MS, on the other hand, have a progressive course, which means that the symptoms are constantly increasing, both in intensity and in number.
Good advice for Multiple Sclerosis
Many people with MS experience increased pain when they get hot or during stress. Therefore, it may be wise to avoid overheating and stress in general (if possible). In addition, a healthy and varied diet is important, both to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals and to otherwise maintain good health.
Behandling ved Multippel Sklerose
Behandlingen ved MS er avhengig av hvor plaget man er med de ulike symptomene, hvor ofte man har dårlige perioder og hvor raskt sykdommen utvikler seg. Medisinene som brukes i behandlingen av MS deles i to hovedgrupper:
Sykdomsmodulerende behandling: Det finnes ingen medisiner som kan reparere nerveskadene ved MS, men vi har medisiner som kan dempe immunsystemets angrep på nervesystemet slik at ødeleggelsen av myelin reduseres og utviklingen av sykdommen bremses
Behandling av symptomene: Det finnes mange medisiner som kan behandle symptomene ved MS slik at hverdagen blir enklere. Dette gjelder for eksempel medisiner ved blære- eller tarmproblemer, smertedempende medisiner og behandling av skjelvinger
When should you contact a doctor for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?
If you have one or more of the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and do not know what causes them
Sources: Norwegian electronic medical handbook, www.multippelsklerose.no, Store norske lexikon